Launch of the ACTT4COSMETICS project

We are pleased to announce the launch of the European project ?????????????? ( ??????? ????? ????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ?????????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???????? ????? ????? ), co-funded by the European Union under the ???? program ??? ?????? .

It is within the premises of the Regional Council of the Centre-Val de Loire Region that the partners from France, Italy, Poland and Portugal gathered for the kick-off meeting of the project.

Coordinated by COSMETIC VALLEY, the consortium is composed of ? ??????????? : Centre-Val de Loire Region , DEV'UP Centre-Val de Loire , REI Reindustria Innovazione (Italy), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), AEBB - Associação Empresarial d in Beira Baixa (Portugal), Labfit - HPRD Lda - Health Products Research And Development ( Portugal ), University of LifeScience in Lublin (Poland), and of the Cosmetic Perfumery Association of Ukraine and ADR Nord-Vest Romania .

ACTT4Cosmetics aims to facilitate the development of 14 innovative solutions responding to the main local and European challenges:

  • Green Transition
  • Digital transition
  • Raising consumer and citizen awareness

For this, the partners will set up a program of joint actions articulated around 14 European working groups.

? Start-up, SMEs, Groups, Universities and Research Laboratories in the sector, we will reveal the action program to you soon and you will have the opportunity to participate in European working groups!

A big thank you to the Centre-Val de Loire Region for hosting the Kick off meeting within the Regional Council in Orléans!

This project is a continuation of the actions carried out within the framework of the European interregional partnership "Go4Cosmetics". Indeed, to carry the voice of the cosmetics industry on a European scale and boost collaborative innovation, Cosmetic Valley and its partners, first and foremost the Center – Val de Loire (France) and Lombardy (Italy) regions, created and structured a European interregional partnership dedicated to the perfumery-cosmetics industry: Go4Cosmetics, labeled “Thematic Smart Specialization Partnership” by the European Commission. In one year, the network has grown considerably: it already has 10 regions in Europe that make cosmetics a priority to invest in training, skills, innovation and industry.

Contact: Justine HEGON -

