Participate in an awareness workshop on additive printing

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On March 14, 2023 from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., the Beauty FAB is organizing an awareness workshop on 3D printing, an opportunity for you to learn more about additive manufacturing techniques.

In the program :

  • 2:30-2:45 p.m.: Presentation of FAN and the different additive manufacturing techniques

Loic ROUSSEAU, RTI Project Manager (Nae Normandie)

Sébastien VERNAY, Additive and Composite Manufacturing (FAN) referent

  • 2:45-3:00 p.m.: Presentation by a cosmetics manufacturer on the needs and findings of additive manufacturing in the cosmetics industry

  • 3:00-3:15 p.m.: The constraints and standards to be associated with the additive manufacturing process in the food sector

Marine CORE BALLAIS, Founder (Digital pastry)

Julien KISTNER Food engineer – PhD (Digital pastry)

  • 3:15-3:20 p.m.: Questions/Answers

--> Possibility to attend these interventions by videoconference

  • 3:35-4:30 p.m .: Working groups: Participate in a collective reflection on the design of a lipstick using 3D printing ( only face-to-face)

Special edition

Cosmetic Research Tour: Special Edition, the Tour de France of cosmetic research welcomes you to Orléans on September 14th.

This edition will take place within the framework of ARD Cosmétosciences, the cosmetic research program in the Centre-Val de Loire region, in order to discover the program, the expertise as well as the various research laboratories.

Image removed.

Subscribe to the Special Edition

Program of this Special Edition:

9:30 a.m. - Welcome

9:45 a.m. - Introduction to the day

10:00 a.m. - Presentation of the COSMETOSCIENCES program

10:15 a.m. - Speech - From plant to ingredient

By Emilie Destandau, Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry ICOA UMR7311

Presentation of regional skills and examples of research work

10:45 a.m. - From ingredient to potentiated cosmetic product

Presentation of regional skills and examples of research work

11.15 a.m. – Discussion on the Cosmetosciences program and identification of promising cross-cutting themes for the cosmetics industry.

12:30 p.m. - Lunch

1:30 p.m. - Lab visit

3 p.m. - 5 p.m. – Meeting BtoB Research / Industry

Thematic demonstration: How to ensure the quality of your cosmetic products

We welcome you for a thematic day on quality control equipment on September 26 at the Beauty HUB in Chartres . This day offers an opportunity to discover state-of-the-art control equipment to ensure the quality of finished cosmetic products (viscosity, rheology, texture, tint, stability, etc.).

The companies present at the thematic day:

  • ColorGrail will introduce you to its spectrophone which allows you to obtain colorimetric data in a photo. An innovative technology that allows you to evaluate product colors using only your smartphone.
  • Labomat will present its equipment for measuring viscosity, texture and color without contact in order to characterize the behavior and appearance of a cosmetic product.
  • Visionairy will introduce you to its patented AI software to solve the most complex anomaly detection problems in the industry such as defect detection, assembly control or part sorting.
  • Mettler Toledo will introduce you to an intelligent Simultaneous Multi-Parameter Analysis solution that combines density, refractive index, pH and color measurement into a single system.

Technical Day; What innovation in innovation technologies?

What innovations in encapsulation technologies?

Protect and release your active ingredients and substances of interest



You are developing a project that can meet a technological challenge in the sector:

> Consumer safety
> Measurement and reduction of environmental impact
> Digitization
> Development of biosourcing or biotechnologies
> Product efficacy
> New consumer experiences
> Integration of industrial technology and product development
> ...

Project leaders, researchers, SMEs or startups? Don't miss this opportunity to better understand the expectations of the sector to develop your innovative solution..

Describe your innovative project before July 31 and receive a proposal for private meetings with the sector on October 18 & 19 at the Carrousel du Louvre, at the international cosmetics innovation fair: COSMETIC 360!

>To participate, follow this link > Zqz


Cosmetic Research Tour: Special Edition in Orléans

Launch of the ACTT4COSMETICS project

We are pleased to announce the launch of the European project ?????????????? ( ??????? ????? ????????? ?????????? ?????????? ????????? ??????? ??? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ?????????? ?? ??? ?? ???? ???????? ????? ????? ), co-funded by the European Union under the ???? program ??? ?????? .

It is within the premises of the Regional Council of the Centre-Val de Loire Region that the partners from France, Italy, Poland and Portugal gathered for the kick-off meeting of the project.

Coordinated by COSMETIC VALLEY, the consortium is composed of ? ??????????? : Centre-Val de Loire Region , DEV'UP Centre-Val de Loire , REI Reindustria Innovazione (Italy), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), AEBB - Associação Empresarial d in Beira Baixa (Portugal), Labfit - HPRD Lda - Health Products Research And Development ( Portugal ), University of LifeScience in Lublin (Poland), and of the Cosmetic Perfumery Association of Ukraine and ADR Nord-Vest Romania .

ACTT4Cosmetics aims to facilitate the development of 14 innovative solutions responding to the main local and European challenges:

  • Green Transition
  • Digital transition
  • Raising consumer and citizen awareness

For this, the partners will set up a program of joint actions articulated around 14 European working groups.

? Start-up, SMEs, Groups, Universities and Research Laboratories in the sector, we will reveal the action program to you soon and you will have the opportunity to participate in European working groups!

A big thank you to the Centre-Val de Loire Region for hosting the Kick off meeting within the Regional Council in Orléans!

This project is a continuation of the actions carried out within the framework of the European interregional partnership "Go4Cosmetics". Indeed, to carry the voice of the cosmetics industry on a European scale and boost collaborative innovation, Cosmetic Valley and its partners, first and foremost the Center – Val de Loire (France) and Lombardy (Italy) regions, created and structured a European interregional partnership dedicated to the perfumery-cosmetics industry: Go4Cosmetics, labeled “Thematic Smart Specialization Partnership” by the European Commission. In one year, the network has grown considerably: it already has 10 regions in Europe that make cosmetics a priority to invest in training, skills, innovation and industry.

Contact: Justine HEGON -

CALL FOR INNOVATION PROJECTS - production of biosourced surfactants

Cosmetic Valley has targeted a call for projects, funded by the European Commission, relevant to developing your research and innovation project on the following themes: circular bioeconomy, surfactants, biobased products, raw materials.

Name of the call for projects : HORIZON-JU-CBE-2023-IA-05: Development of scalable, safe bio-based surfactants, with an improved sustainability profile

Submission : September 20, 2023

Budget : €7.5M - Grant of 60% of eligible costs for for-profit entities and 100% for non-profit entities

TRL: TRL 6-7 at the end of the project

Projects should be in line with the EU Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan, the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainable Development (as part of the "pollution" ambition zero", the EU Industrial Strategy, the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy, the Sustainable Products Initiative (SPI) as well as the next transition path for the ecosystem of energy-intensive industries (including the "chemicals transition path"). In line with the above policies, successful proposals will contribute to the increased production of commercially viable, high performance, safe and sustainable bio-based surfactants, with an emphasis on diversification and sustainability of raw materials (sources), and advancing circular bioeconomy concepts.

Are you developing a project on this theme? Are you looking for a funding window to support its development?

Cosmetic Valley supports you in setting up projects: identification of calls for projects / funding windows at national, European and international level and in the search for partners.

contact us

Link to the call sheet

Beauty FAB Demonstration - Volvendis

Volvendis , manufacturer of mixers, is holding demonstration sessions on June 13, 2023 at the Beauty HUB (in Chartres) to present its mixer, the Volmix 500. Designed to be used in the laboratory or R&D center, it allows different operations (homogenization, dispersion, dissolution…). Universal, the VM500 can be used with propellers, turbines or anchors, thus adapting to different formulations. Silent, simple and robust, its stainless steel casing allows it to be used in clean rooms.

Come and discover the performance of this equipment on June 13, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. or from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Beauty HUB

Register before June 12 included


