Beauty Fab Techs:

New for this year 2022: a series of presentations of technologies related to the Beauty Fab.



First intervention: High pressure homogenizer in the cosmetics industry

À°Å¸"œ"¦ Date: January 25, 2022 –

Hours: 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

À°Å¸-"˜ Format: Connection presentation in French

À°Å¸"œÂ¢ Speaker: Eric MICHEL, Microfluidics


The technology is used for emulsions, liposomes, dispersions, deagglomeration, encapsulation as well as for cell disruption, and represents a very attractive alternative to conventional methods.

The ultra shear force developed by Microfluidizer processors solves solubility issues by generating tiny droplets with homogeneous and uniform particle size, thereby improving the bioavailability, stability and efficacy of products.

Connect on January 25 at 11 a.m. to discover this technology.

Register before 01/24


In the program :


  • Presentation Microfluidics
  • Applications where Microfluidics microfluidic technology is used (nano emulsions, liposomes, cell disruption, etc.)
  • Operation: collision force and shear rate
  • The parameters influencing the results (temperature, pressure, number of passages, etc.)
  • “Process comparison” Microfluidizer , high pressure homogenizer, ultrasound
  • How to choose your Microfluidizer ? (lab, pilot, production)
  • “Proof of concept”: Our services to show you how we can achieve your goals in terms of droplet/particle size/breakup rate.


Aline Landier

