Congress on Regulatory Issues (21st edition) - registrations in progress

Join the 650 expected participants !

The Regulatory Issues - Perfumes & Cosmetics Congress , which has now become the flagship meeting of the profession, returns for its 21st edition on November 8 and 9, 2023 , in Chartres and in Digital.

Organized since 2003 by COSMETIC VALLEY, in partnership with Chartres Métropole, this congress allows participants to be up to date on the regulations that concern them, and to interact with their supervisory authorities and their counterparts.

On the program, two days of interactive conferences and meetings with numerous companies.

? Discover the program

The conference program is constructed and validated thanks to the Scientific Committee and the study carried out with numerous decision-makers in the Perfumes and Cosmetics industry.

Find among the themes of this edition: check list of regulations impacting the sector, Dematerialization of product information, European news, Claims, Environmental impacts, Campaign review, Recycled packaging, Allergens, Natural extracts, Regulatory developments outside the EU, etc.

And among the speakers : Aptar, Chanel, European Commission, Cosmetics Europe, DGCCRF, FEBEA, Laboratoires SVR, L'Oréal, Pierre Fabre, Robertet


? New for 2023: simultaneous translation into English , do not hesitate to forward the invitation to your English-speaking colleagues

? Register for the congress


? Contacts - +33 (0)1 41 86 49 07


Congress organized in partnership with : Chartres Métropole, FEBEA, SFC

