A look back at the Cosmetic Environment & Safety congress

♻️ The 3rd edition of the Cosmetic Environment & Safety congress was Tuesday, July 4, 2023 at Vaudreuil in Normandy and in Digital .

? This event brought together ??? participants, around ?? conferences divided into ? sessions as well as a round table. Delegates were able to discover innovations with positive impacts in the #cosmetics sector, on themes such as water management, responsible #packaging , #reuse of natural resources, etc.

A day punctuated by exchanges as exciting as they are inspiring, to reflect on and build the future of the sector together.

? Congratulations to the speakers for the high quality of their services, as well as to the scientific committee which has worked for more than a year to build this program.

? Thank you to all the delegates in face-to-face and at a distance for their presence.

? Thank you also to all our #partners for their support and welcome: the Normandy Region , the ADNormandie , the Seine-Eure Agglomeration & the Rouen Normandy Metropolis .

A #replay of the day's conferences is available on registration, throughout the summer

? https://www.safety-cosmetics.com/fr/registration/63751ed7adfe6540ac68a4a2

? See you in JUNE 2025 for the 4th edition of Cosmetic Environment & Safety.

Until then, COSMETIC VALLEY continues to support you in your CSR approach and on your associated innovation projects. Do not hesitate to contact us for:

✅ Identify innovation initiatives with a positive impact on the environment in order to make them more visible,
✅ You support towards the funding levers put in place by the French state and regions to support innovation on these topics.

