Cosm'innov Congress: A look back at these 2 superb days

End clap for the 5th edition of the COSM'INNOV congress, the #international congress of innovations for #cosmetics research which took place on May 24 & 25 in Orléans and digitally.

? ?????é?? rich in exchanges which brought together ??? ??????? researchers from the ????? ??? ???. So more than ??? ??????????? were presented, with a total of ?? ????é?????? and ?? ???????.

The network evening, placed under the theme of the gourmet casino, will have enabled participants to extend their exchanges in a friendly atmosphere.

Congratulations to the three poster winners, dedicated during the second day of the congress:

> Prize for the "????????? ??????????" - Marion MARTIN-LE ROUX from Laboratoires Expanscience - sponsored by Laboratoires ERIGER ,
> “????? ?????????” award – Iron Mike ARDESA from the University of Tours – sponsored by AgroParisTech ,
> “???? ?? ?œ?? ?? ????” Prize – Leandros Skaltsounis from the University of Athens – sponsored by the University of Orléans .

Thank you to all the participants of the congress for their presence and their smiles. Thank you to the oral speakers and posters for the quality of their work. Thank you to all the members of the Scientific Committee for their help in the development of the program, and for the animation of the congress.

Thank you to all the partners and sponsors Cosmétosciences , Centre-Val de Loire Region , Orléans Métropole , as well as AgroParisTech, the CNRS - National Center for Scientific Research , LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies , the University of Orléans & the University of Tours , Greenpharma SAS , ERIGER Laboratories , SFC-French Society of Cosmetology , International Journal of Cosmetic Science , Expression Cosmétique Magazine , CosmeticOBS .

See you on ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? for the 6th edition of the COSM'INNOV congress!

