Cosmetic Valley Cybersecurity Training

The challenges of Cybersecurity, the state of the threat for the world of industry?

How to better resist hacking attempts? How to protect sensitive data?

How to limit the risk of fraud? Economic espionage...

So many topical issues, the threat is real and continues to increase, all companies in the cosmetics industry can be targeted or find themselves confronted with a cyber-attack.

In partnership with our SecuriteOff expert, Cosmetic Valley offers several interactive training modules to support you and help you be better equipped to respond to this scourge that can seriously impact your company's activity:

> Module 1 remotely , 3-hour webinar " Cybersecurity issues and the state of the threat" , 2 sessions: Tuesday October 3, 2023 and Tuesday January 23, 2024

> Module 2 face-to-face , 1 day , " How to better resist hacking attempts through better digital hygiene" , 2 sessions: Friday November 17, 2023 and Tuesday February 6, 2024

> Module 3 face-to-face, 1 day, "How to protect your sensitive data and limit the risk of fraud", 2 sessions: Friday December 8, 2023 and Thursday March 21, 2024

> Module 4 face-to-face , 6-hour interactive workshop, "Economic Espionage Special" , 2 sessions: Tuesday, December 12, 2023 and Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Click below to consult the programs and prices > Detailed programs Cybersecurity modules 2023-2024.pdf

Online registration on the Cosmetic Valley Formation platform >

Cosmetic Valley training referent contact > Véronique Beaujouan - Tel. 06 95 62 72 51

