Cosmé Tech Challenge for start-ups!

A challenge to energize and empower a local sector of excellence

Candidates are invited to reflect on the concept of "Clean Beauty" or "Clean Beauty" in order to propose innovative solutions that meet at least one of the two challenges:

Challenge n°1: A safer cosmetic product for health
Challenge n°2: Reduce the impact of the cosmetics industry at the environmental level

Some ways to score points?
Zero controversial ingredients, local and ethical sourcing, green chemistry, biodegradable and biosourced packaging, clean and non-polluting cosmetics, reduction of overpackaging and plastic materials.

How is the challenge going?
A first selection of projects will be carried out in July and will be followed by a phase of maturation and coaching of the teams until October.

The 12 finalist teams will compete in the grand final which will take place on Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at La Turbine Port Cergy , the Cergy-Pontoise Business Hotel Incubator.
The finalist start-ups will present their innovations to a jury made up of industry experts and elected officials from the conurbation.

What do you win?
Start-ups have until June 30, 2023 to submit their application and try to win one of the prizes:

  • 1st prize: €10,000
  • 2nd prize: €6,000
  • 3rd prize: €4,000
  • Jury's Favorite Prize

What are the conditions ?
The Cosmé Tech challenge is open at national level to start-ups meeting the following criteria:

  • Company created on the date of application
  • Company less than 8 years old
  • Company generating less than €100,000 in turnover per year

Submission of applications until June 30, 2023

I apply!

Your case contact:

Eléonore IZQUIERDO, Innovation Project Manager
06 78 48 50 72

