July 6, 2023 - Château Couhins near Bordeaux

?????, 90 professionals from small, medium and large companies, laboratories public and all trades in the sector (raw materials, manufacturers, tests and analyses, equipment, packaging, etc.), met as part of a ???????? ???????, organized by COSMETIC VALLEY, in the presence of Mrs Stéphanie Anfray, Regional Councilor of New Aquitaine.

The cosmetic industrial sector in New Aquitaine is:
✅ ??? ??????????? of the sector,
✅ a turnover of ?,? ???????? ?'€,
✅ ? ??? ??????????????,
✅ a ????????? in terms of Valorization of the plant cell
As well as a ??????-????? in development, formulation and contract manufacturing, innovative technologies, centers of expertise and many others.

? ♂️ The participants of this day were able to attend:
> to the ? ?????? ?????? on the themes "????????é????? ? " then « ??? ?????????" with different testimonials from committed companies such as Seppic, Herbes Grand Ouest, InterbioNouvelle-Aquitaine, Omum, Soin of oneself, Bélice & Cocoricosmetics
> at an afternoon ?????-??????? to promote contact between the professionals present.

? The Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region supports COSMETIC VALLEY through its regional office opened in 2018 to develop "???-??????" support for companies and constitute a driving force, acceleration and amplification of projects and economic networks region-wide. The cluster then relies on its partnership with the Regional Development and Innovation Agency (ADI-NA) to develop its territorial anchoring and its transversality of regional skills.

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For more information, contact Nathalie Simonin ? .

